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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
06:48, 18 August 2024 Design flow synthesis.png (file) 114 KB Kgf Excerpt of the ASIC design flow with the part covered by the Synthesis exercise highlighted. 1
11:21, 15 August 2024 Croc draw.jpg (file) 267 KB Kgf Simplified diagram of the Croc SoC 1
14:33, 8 August 2024 Ex2 openroad croc.png (file) 412 KB Kgf Completed Croc design loaded in to OpenROAD (version June 2024) 1
09:40, 8 August 2024 Ex2 openroad controls.png (file) 688 KB Kgf The main GUI elements of OpenROAD 1
11:39, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40 cheese.jpg (file) 232 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 showcasing the maximum aperture of <kbd>f/2.0</kbd> to good effect. Notice how the cheese on the right is highlighted by the narrow depth of field. 1
11:37, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40 dark.jpg (file) 283 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 1
11:36, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40 waterfall.jpg (file) 434 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 in a bit of difficulty. This is an attempt at a long exposure shot to show the smooth curtain like flow of the water. The problem, even at highest ISO for the exposure time <kbd>1/15s</kbd> the minimum aperture is <kbd>f/16</kbd> and the picture is overexposed. Of course you could add a filter.. but.. 1
11:30, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40 scene.jpg (file) 519 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 with a regular scenery. This is a very practical everyday lens. It is hard to justify this lens over the ubiquitous Nikon Z 16-50 when there is enough light. 1
11:28, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40 dixens.jpg (file) 184 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 in action. This is inside the [ Grand-Dixence dam], and there is little light here. This one shows actually the thin line of the pendulum in the background used to detect movement in the structure. This is not so visible in this scaled picture, but at full resolution this can be clearly seen. 1
11:24, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40 front.jpg (file) 179 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 on a Nikon Z FC. Picture by a Nikon D500 with Nikon 105. The Nikon Z FC looks so cool, I always like taking pictures of it. 1
09:39, 8 October 2023 Nikonz40.jpg (file) 195 KB Kgf The Nikon Z 40 with the Nikon ZFC 1
19:56, 14 June 2023 Sigma100 400 face.jpg (file) 396 KB Kgf I love long lenses. This shot was with a Sigma 100-400 on a Nikon D850. 1
19:54, 14 June 2023 Sigma100 400 ladybug full.jpg (file) 319 KB Kgf This is the full image from which the crop in the following image File: Sigma100 400 ladybug.jpg. This is a Sigma 100-400 on a Nikon D850, handheld. 1
19:52, 14 June 2023 Sigma100 400 ladybug.jpg (file) 501 KB Kgf This is the center crop 1:1 from a Sigma 100-400 mounted on a Nikon D850. This is a bit more than 2% of the frame, and shows you that when you have enough pixels you can crop to get the focal length you want. 1
19:49, 14 June 2023 Sigma100 400 flower.jpg (file) 346 KB Kgf You do not need a macro, for most cases a decent zoom is all you need to capture these images. This is a 1:1 crop from a picture shot using a Sigma 100-400 on a Nikon D500. 1
19:47, 14 June 2023 Sigma100 400 tractor.jpg (file) 401 KB Kgf Does anybody need 600mm? Well, this is a Sigma 100-400 on a Nikon D500 and it gave me enough time to clear the road before that [ Porsche Tractor] had a chance to run me over. 1
19:43, 14 June 2023 Sigma100 400 goat.jpg (file) 298 KB Kgf The cute goat is shot with a Sigma 100-400 on a Nikon D850. Most of what makes this shot work is light let us not kid ourselves. But the lens is not letting us down, nearly at full length, handheld. 1
19:41, 14 June 2023 Sigma100vsnikon200.jpg (file) 133 KB Kgf Comparing two setups that are more alike than they look. On the left a Nikon D850 with a Nikon 200-500 and on the right the APS-C body Nikon D500 with a Sigma 100-400, which effectively is a 150-600mm. Neither are small or light, but the Sigma 100-400 is clearly the smaller and lighter version (by 1kg). 1
19:38, 14 June 2023 Sigma100-400.jpg (file) 127 KB Kgf The Sigma 100-400 on a Nikon D500 fully extended. This is not a small or light lens, but for the focal length it is actually very compact. 1
08:00, 28 December 2022 Nikon18-200 right.png (file) 377 KB Kgf A zoomed in shot from (File:Nikon18-200 sharpness.jpg) taken with a Nikon 18-200 and Nikon D500 at <kbd>f/8</kbd>. This part has been cropped and scaled 2x for clarity. You can see the issue with sharpness. compare to a more center crop (File:nikon18-200_center.png) and realize that we have heavily zoomed-in so there are no issues with focus distance and haze is less of an issue than normal. 1
08:00, 28 December 2022 Nikon18-200 center.png (file) 410 KB Kgf A zoomed in shot from (File:Nikon18-200 sharpness.jpg) taken with a Nikon 18-200 and Nikon D500 at <kbd>f/8</kbd>. This part has been cropped and scaled 2x for clarity. This is what I would say an OK sharpness, consider that we have heavily zoomed in, there is a lot of distance between us and haze will always be an issue. 1
07:56, 28 December 2022 Nikon18-200 left.png (file) 450 KB Kgf A zoomed in shot from File:nikon18-200_sharpness.JPG) taken with a Nikon 18-200 and Nikon D500 at <kbd>f/8</kbd>. This part has been cropped and scaled 2x for clarity. You can see the issue with sharpness. compare to a more center crop (File:nikon18-200_center.png) and realize that we have heavily zoomed-in so there are no issues with focus distance and haze is less of an issue than normal. 1
07:51, 28 December 2022 Nikon18-200 sharpness.jpg (file) 383 KB Kgf Nikon 18-200 with some sharpness issues. This is with a Nikon D500 with <kbd>f/8</kbd> to help a bit with sharpness. As you can see the center peak (File:nikon18-200_center.png) is quite OK, the other two not so much. 1
20:38, 21 August 2022 24 120 vase.jpg (file) 342 KB Kgf A small beautiful statue of a vase taken with a Nikon 24-120 and a Nikon D700. At least on paper some of my ''worst'' equipment and a great example for most equipment is more than good enough. What is ''not'' visible in this picture is how many shots I needed to get this one. This is actually the ''first'' take. 1
11:55, 14 August 2022 Out of focus leaves zoom.jpg (file) 326 KB Kgf A picture from the sharpness page. This is with a manual focus Nikon 180 on a Nikon D850. The focus is just a bit off and at <kbd>f/2.8</kbd> even at 2 meters distance you will not get the right thing in focus. The leaf behind the fruits is actually in perfect focus, and you can easily see that it would be possible to get a perfect picture. 1
11:54, 14 August 2022 Out of focus leaves.jpg (file) 395 KB Kgf A picture from the sharpness page. This is with a manual focus Nikon 180 on a Nikon D850. The focus is just a bit off and at <kbd>f/2.8</kbd> even at 2 meters distance you will not get the right thing in focus. 1
09:38, 17 July 2022 Nikon28-300range.png (file) 25 KB Kgf Graph showing the distribution of focal lengths I ended up using on a Nikon 28-300 during a trip to Iceland. The distribution] is pretty much similar to what I had for the [[Nikon 70-300. 1
20:21, 3 April 2022 28 80 28middle.png (file) 179 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 28-80 at <kbd>28mm</kbd> from the middle. This shot has been upsampled three (3x) times so that it is a similar size with the others 1
20:20, 3 April 2022 24 70-70corner.jpg (file) 183 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 24-70 at <kbd>70mm</kbd> from the corner. 1
20:19, 3 April 2022 24 70-70middle.jpg (file) 247 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 24-70 at <kbd>70mm</kbd> from the middle. 1
20:18, 3 April 2022 28 80 80middle.jpg (file) 269 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 28-80 at <kbd>80mm</kbd> from the middle. 1
20:18, 3 April 2022 28 80 80corner.jpg (file) 213 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 28-80 at <kbd>80mm</kbd> from the corner. 1
20:17, 3 April 2022 28 80 28calendar.png (file) 242 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 28-80 at <kbd>28mm</kbd> from the far corner. This shot has been upsampled three (3x) times so that it is a similar size with the others 1
20:16, 3 April 2022 28 80 28corner.png (file) 164 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 28-80 at <kbd>28mm</kbd> from the corner. This shot has been upsampled three (3x) times so that it is a similar size with the others 1
20:15, 3 April 2022 24 70 24calendar.png (file) 182 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 24-70 at <kbd>24mm</kbd> from the far corner. This shot has been upsampled three (3x) times so that it is a similar size with the others 1
20:15, 3 April 2022 24 70 24corner.png (file) 136 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 24-70 at <kbd>24mm</kbd> from the corner. This shot has been upsampled three (3x) times so that it is a similar size with the others 1
20:14, 3 April 2022 24 70 24middle.png (file) 157 KB Kgf From the article tales of two lenses, this is Nikon 24-70 at <kbd>24mm</kbd> from the middle. This shot has been upsampled three (3x) times so that it is a similar size with the others 1
19:42, 3 April 2022 28 80 80 annotated.jpg (file) 437 KB Kgf Picture taken with Nikon 28-80 from the tale of two lenses article. This is the long end of the lens at <kbd>80mm</kbd> and the two areas which will be used for the following section are highlighted 1
19:26, 3 April 2022 28 80 80.jpg (file) 431 KB Kgf Picture taken with Nikon 28-80 from the tale of two lenses article. This is the long end of the lens at <kbd>80mm</kbd>. 1
19:25, 3 April 2022 28 80 28.jpg (file) 445 KB Kgf Picture taken with Nikon 28-80 from the tale of two lenses article. This is the wide end of the lens at <kbd>28mm</kbd>. 1
19:23, 3 April 2022 24 70-70annotated.jpg (file) 479 KB Kgf Picture taken with Nikon 24-70 from the tale of two lenses article. This is the long end of the lens at <kbd>70mm</kbd> and the area covered by the Nikon 28-80 at its longest is shown with dashed lines. Note that although I used a tripod, a bit of movement (in this case up) can happen. 1
19:22, 3 April 2022 24 70 24annotated.jpg (file) 505 KB Kgf Picture taken with Nikon 24-70 from the tale of two lenses article. This is the wide end of the lens at <kbd>24mm</kbd> and the area covered by the Nikon 28-80 at its widest is shown with dashed lines. 1
17:35, 3 April 2022 24vs28.jpg (file) 411 KB Kgf These are the two lenses from the tale of two lenses. On the left, mounted on the Nikon D610 the Nikon 28-80 and on the right the Nikon 24-70. Yes, maybe I shoudl learn how to hold the camera straight. 1
17:13, 3 April 2022 Nikon28 80 scene.jpg (file) 500 KB Kgf Scenery shot using the Nikon 28-80 and a Nikon D850. 1
17:11, 3 April 2022 Nikon28 80 snow.jpg (file) 508 KB Kgf Snowy snowy day, a small pathway using the Nikon 28-80 on a Nikon D850. 1
17:10, 3 April 2022 Nikon28 80 tree.jpg (file) 528 KB Kgf The Nikon 28-80 on a quite challenging light (see the exposure compensation +1.3) using a Nikon D850. 1
17:08, 3 April 2022 Nikon28 80.jpg (file) 435 KB Kgf The incredibly compact Nikon 28-80 on a Nikon D610 1
16:50, 28 March 2022 Solitor35-200b.jpg (file) 342 KB Kgf The Soligor 35-200 on a Nikon D610 1
16:48, 28 March 2022 Solitor35-200.jpg (file) 361 KB Kgf The Soligor 35-200 1
15:09, 27 March 2022 Soligor35-200 tree2.jpg (file) 421 KB Kgf This is a Soligor 35-200 on a Nikon D500. You want to see issues, take a look at the higher branches that sort of show that it is quite soft there, but you really need to start pixel hunting. Of course it also helps that this is <kbd>f/8</kbd> and on an APS-C camera. 1
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