Nikon D850

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The way too good camera

45 Megapixel Full frame
After my D750 was stolen I wanted to buy another full frame camera but did not want to buy the same camera twice. After about a year of going back and forth, I ended up buying this camera. This camera is too good to be true, and way way too good for me. Technically it let's me get away with things I shouldn't. I love it, and I was fortunate enough to be able to afford it, but to be honest it is unnecessarily good.

I know, you will be looking at reviews and descriptions and would want this camera (I did). I can also not lie to you, it was about 1.5-2x more expensive than a D750 when I bought it new and you can tell that it is actually by that amount better. But even the D750 is too good for me, after a level (say what you get from a Nikon D700) the differences in technical specifications are not as important as you think. Technically, for all its beauty and quality, this camera is more than most people need, certainly more than I should be using.


This camera is expensive. About 2'500 new and not so much less than 2'000 used when I looked in 2020. For that price you can fill a cupboard full of excellent equipment. Like most newer equipment that is still expensive, consider buying this new. If you can afford this price you can also afford the cost new. But remember, as an amateur photographer you do not really need this camera.

The Good

  • Technically superb

The problems

  • It is (I'll say deservedly) expensive camera. While the technical specs are superb, they are also far beyond what is needed. Even half as good, would be way too good.
  • No built-in flash, see how tinier details we have to pick on, to find fault at this camera. Seriously anyone complaining about this camera should just spend more time taking pictures.

These pages are for Amateur Photographers and not really for seasoned photographers and professionals. I have no affiliation or commercial interest with any brand/make. I write from my own experience. I ended up using mainly Nikon, so I am more familiar with this brand than others. See price for notes on pricing as well as photography related links.