Images for presentations

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Much smaller than you think

Unlike print media, presentations are not about DPI but straight resolution.

What size picture do I need ?

Presentations are not printed (handouts are, but that is another story), they are projected to a larger screen for an audience or on your computer for online meetings. The resolution that is used depends on your computer and the beamer that will be used for the projection. While the technical capabilities of the screens and computers have increased tremendously, most presentations done today (end of 2021) still use a resolution of 1024 to 1280 pixels wide, with better equipment managing up to 1920 pixels wide.

Consider that, most images you use for a presentation will not fill the entire screen, and you realize that your images will be between 600 pixels to 1000 pixels wide for most cases. Only full screen pictures will be up to 1920 pixels wide. These are the actual pixels that will be used, so if your picture is any larger it will be scaled

Scaling your picture ahead saves everyone a great deal, your presentation files get smaller so saving them on disk, and sending them to others will become easier, your computer does not have to do all the scaling work everytime you go to that page.

These pages are for Amateur Photographers and not really for seasoned photographers and professionals. I have no affiliation or commercial interest with any brand/make. I write from my own experience. I ended up using mainly Nikon, so I am more familiar with this brand than others. See price for notes on pricing as well as photography related links.