Color modes
There is so much your camera does for you
Hiding in the preferences of the camera there are thousands of small knobs that help you adjust the color and tone of the picture. They differ from model to model and from manufacturer to manufacturer
How the color gets interpreted is always tricky. Your camera can set a mood for you and interpret the colors by adjusting
- Sharpening
- Contrast
- Brightness
- Saturation
- Hue
I have taken the following shots in rather quick succession using a Nikon D500 and a Nikon 105 with manual settings. As you can see the colors are a bit different
These pages are for Amateur Photographers and not really for seasoned photographers and professionals. I have no affiliation or commercial interest with any brand/make. I write from my own experience. I ended up using mainly Nikon, so I am more familiar with this brand than others. See price for notes on pricing as well as photography related links.