The smaller photo sensor
Welcome to my pages on Photography. I am an amateur photographer who likes technical aspects of photography. These pages are here to share my experience.
12 Megapixel APS-C
It was a complete coincidence that I ended up buying this camera. I was using smaller compact cameras and wanted to try my hand in something better. It came with a kit Nikon 18-105 lens. I still use this camera, in fact a good portion of my pictures on the PULP Platform twitter page are made with it. The shutter count is over 60'000 (in more than 10 years), so that gives you some idea on how many pictures you end up making as an extremely trigger happy amateur photographer.
I loved this camera so much that I bought a second one used as part of preparing these pages. This second D90 is in great shape.
These pages are for Amateur Photographers and not really for seasoned photographers and professionals. I have no affiliation or commercial interest with any brand/make. I write from my own experience. I ended up using mainly Nikon, so I am more familiar with this brand than others. See price for notes on pricing as well as photography related links.